Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

Well, seeing that I don't get Kyle's letters and this blog hasn't been updated for a while, I will just update you on what I know, because I get to see him every other day! :)

Today Kyle ate the roast beef w/ fake nacho cheese sandwich, with a side of onion rings. I know, pretty scary huh? He said the meat was rather tough. His Japanese is getting better or so he says, but he didn't understand me when I said that I ate a cat... Clearly he is learning more useful Japanese than I am. I talked to his companion, and he says Kyle is great, and likes to serve him by making his bed and stuff. Today is also Kyle's official 4 weeks left in the MTC marker. How exciting! I guess that means no more seeing him getting fat! He is way excited to go to Japan. He would appreciate more emails and letters from family and friends, so use dearelder.com while we still can for free. He also said that he was going to get some pictures developed and will hopefully be sending them home, so we will have some pictures to post on the blog soon and if Kyle is enjoying his MTC stay as much as I did, if you know what I mean...

Keep sending him your love and prayers!

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